
You cannot see the buddha today

Okay, so seeing all my vacay pics and videos got me all sorts of sappy and homesick (which is weird since my vacation was to Southeast Asia and NOT Boise, Idaho.) Anyway, I miss Sunny Bae so I uploaded all those ginormous videos to youtube so that I could embed them here so that YOU also could enjoy them.

*Please note the subtle differences in directorial styles. And how annoyed Sunny became with me after two weeks of travel and heat and bitching. What can I say, I'm a restless traveler...

Playing our favorite game to pass the time. This was about 11 days in and we were bored. Check that, I was bored. (BTW, stop looking at my boobs.)

On a passenger boat headed for Wat Arun. But Sunny doesn't narrate so you'd never know, now would you?

Last day in Phuket town. We were walking targets, sunburned, and laden with huge packs bulging with dirty laundry and souvenirs. And the quest for yellow noodles, or Bumi, continued. Sunny had to get his fill!

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