
A Traveling Ruckus

So I've made it to Portland safely AND managed to  stop at DSW for new shoes before I even set foot within P-Town city limits.  YES!  At least I'm doing my American duty to BUY, BUY, BUY before I leave the country...  Dubya would be proud.  Anyway, Steph planned a night out for me and the girls, complete with mac n' cheese at Montage (where last I dined with the Beastie Boys, no joke!) and some sweet Rasberry Lambic at bar XV.  It was good times.  
This morning (or afternoon, who knows) finds us on her back patio shaking off a slight hangover and bonding over Mac euphoria.  I'm glad we're friends. 


Kayci said...

I'm glad we're friends too! Were you even talking about me? I don't know but it was great to hang out. Perhaps next time I'll see you will be in Korea? Start saving for Greece. Seriously!

Mindy said...

Oh, I'll be there, no sh*t talkin' here! I'm really glad you came down for the low-key par-tay!