
Sarah Silverman might make me do it.

Damnit, and I wasn't gonna vote. Don't skewer me here, people. I know the issues are important, but my big fat BLUE vote goes straight into a sea of RED. I know this is an important election, I watch The Daily Show, but apathy has crept in and I'm starting to care less and less. Does it really matter which party is in charge, they all pander to money and lobbyists? Besides, I don't even know if Idaho will still LET me vote now. It might be too late...


StephieMac said...

I totally realize that Idaho is a MASSIVELY red state. Why, according to todays polls 62.1% of Idaho is for McCain. However, that is down from 82% just a few weeks ago (according to my Slate polls app). I have to ask: What if-what if- Idaho is so red because all the blue voters in the state of Idaho aren't voting because they are convinced that their votes won't count because of all the red. What if all those blue voters actually voted? You might be surprised.

I am off my soap box. I love you!

Mindy said...

I needed that! Thank you!!